In the Swedish classic by Vilhelm Moberg, The Emigrants, the main character Kristina brings a seed from a beloved apple tree in her parents’ garden and plants it at her new home in nineteenth-century America.  As the tree grows it rekindles a deep longing for her native land, but the seeds so carefully sown and nurtured in the welcoming soil of her adopted country eventually bear fruit, making perfect a tangible union between the old and the new.

Named for both this particular type of apple and the tree from which it issues, Astrakan Films embodies the synergies borne of established Swedish roots and emerging American dreams. The Company, based in Los Angeles, is actively helmed by William Sten Olsson.

Astrakan Films develops and produces modestly-budgeted but ambitious and innovative feature films aimed at an underserved audience. Projects are carefully selected on the basis of artistic merit and commercial viability to appeal to those moviegoers looking for something a little more engaging than typical big-studio fare. The company’s most recent release, An American Affair, opened in select theaters on February 27th 2009 and is now widely available on DVD and VOD through Amazon, iTunes, Netflix and others.
